Category Archives: Internet Marketing

  • How to Build an Analytics Dashboard

    An analytics dashboard is a customised dashboard that you set up for your business. Why make an analytics dashboard? It helps you finally make sense of Google Analytics figures and track changes from week to week and month to month for the parameters that mean the most to you. This allows you to have an Excel or Google Docs Spreadsheet where you can see your analytics statistics at a glance. It is great for board meetings, inter-office meetings, or ways to show your boss or owner where your traffic comes from, how your campaigns are doing, and identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas of opportunity. In this post, we will show you how to build your own analytics dashboard; but always remember that you can choose …

  • CPC Ads $.14 Lower for Smartphone Platforms

    Global software company Kenshoo released a report on international trends in CPC advertising spend. The report is good news for Australian based businesses who want to reach customers on their smartphones. The data released in the report, which only includes clients on Kenshoo’s cloud-based digital marketing technology, shows that Australia is one of 3 countries where considerable growth was shown in mobile search share. Mobile search share rates for paid search rose between 8% and 11% in Q2 compared with the same quarter last year in Australia, the UK, and the US. The growth rate in the UK and Australia was higher than that of the US. In this domain of paid mobile ads increasing, the cost per click on the average smartphone ad campaign …

  • 4 Ways to Use Social Media to Promote Events & Trade Shows

    Trade shows and other types of events can definitely benefit from social media. In this infographic we are featuring today, it outlines 4 ways that you can boost events using social media. Social media is so prominent in everyday life now that ignoring it as a way to promote your event can be more than just missing out, it can be a detriment. You need to be where the competition is; but more importantly, you need to be where your customers or attendees are. Engaging with them through social channels during an event can be the way to make it or break it. The Role of Social Media As you will see in the 4 ways to use social media to boost events, the engagement …

  • Surprise! Did You Know? How to Develop 100% Sticky Headlines that Aren’t the Worst Ever!

    OK, so our title might be a bit overdone, but it incorporates many of the tactics used for creating sticky subject lines. There is actually some psychologies behind each of the following 8 tactics that will help you develop eye catching, sticky subject lines. Bufferapp helps to walk us through the different ways we can catch an audience’s attention with a headline. Surprise! Who doesn’t love a surprise? Apparently readers do love surprises. By surprises in subject lines, we mean a break from the normal and usual headlines. When you write something that is unexpected and out of character from what you normally write, it will attract attention. Of course, attracting attention with an outrageous headline is only half the battle. The content within the …

  • Facebook’s New Advanced Audiences Ad Targeting

    Facebook recently added some great features for marketers to help take advantage of retargeting and advertising to special customer groups on Facebook. Facebook calls it Custom Audiences. The new features are in the Ads Manager and Power Editor. Once you add Facebook’s pixel of coding to your website code, you can segment your customers that have visited your website in the past into different groups. Photo Credit: Facebook Custom Audience Segments Some of the custom audience segments that you can target with different Facebook ads include: People who visited specific pages on your website. People who visited specific pages on your website but not others (perhaps the checkout pages or related products pages to something they already bought). People who haven’t visited in a certain …

  • Boosting User Engagement on Your Website

    Are you looking to boost user engagement on your website? Today we will be reviewing some tips on how to boost user engagement on your website for little or no cost. Of course, every business and every website is different. The same techniques that work for one type of business or one set of customers may not work for others, so the answer is to test out different things and see what works best for your company and your website visitors. Here are 5 ideas to get you started: KISS: Keep It Super Simple In many cases, we get caught up with the details of a website and it becomes to superfluous and not super simple. Go back to basics and keep just the information …

  • Visual Marketing: Why You Should Use Images in Your Content

    The saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”. That is truer now than ever before. The saying probably was never really intended to have anything to do with marketing, or using content along with visuals to talk about their products; however now it does apply to your marketing and branding message. Today we are highlighting 10 statistics from Hubspot that provide proof as to why you should include visuals along with content in your marketing messaging: 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. (Sources: 3M Corporation and Zabisco) 40% of people will respond better to visual information than plain text. (Source: Zabisco) Publishers who use infographics grow in traffic an …

  • Starting a Blog for Your Business

    So, you have a new blog for your business. What now? Once your blog is live there are steps you can and should take to make it successful. Putting forth a small bit of effort and establishing a schedule will have you on your way to success. Your blog should help establish you as an authority in your industry. Follow these steps to start you on your way to blogging: Set up all the links on your blog and make sure that your social channels and all appropriate information are available on your blog. Write an introduction blog post telling your readers about you and what your goals are with the blog. Commit to writing at least once a week. Write a schedule and plan …

  • The Future of Mobile Use

    With more and more people becoming so reliant and attached to their mobile devices, it only makes sense that your business should be accessible on those mobile devices. The average person owns 2.9 mobile devices, according to a study done by SOPHOS Labs in 2013. That number is only going to increase, according to predictions from CISCO, by 2017 that number will increase to 5 mobile devices per person. What are you doing with your business to make sure that all of those mobile users can access information about you on their device? Photo Credit: GetSticky The increase in internet users will only be overshadowed by the increase in mobile users. Not only will more people be using mobile devices, but each person will have …

  • How Often Should Your Business Post to Social Media?

    Many companies and businesses wonder how often they should be posting to their social media channels. It is a burning question that plagues many social media departments of businesses. How much is too much? How much is not enough? Buffer, a company that has a social media application product has answered these questions for us. Buffer recently posted an article highlighting how frequently your business should post to social channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and more. Striking that balance between informative and annoying isn’t easy; and of course, it can highly depend on your company and its product as well as your company’s target audience and what they will tolerate. Just as over exposure can hurt your brand and get you labelled as annoying, not …