How Often Should Your Business Post to Social Media?

Many companies and businesses wonder how often they should be posting to their social media channels. It is a burning question that plagues many social media departments of businesses. How much is too much? How much is not enough? Buffer, a company that has a social media application product has answered these questions for us. Buffer recently posted an article highlighting how frequently your business should post to social channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and more. Striking that balance between informative and annoying isn’t easy; and of course, it can highly depend on your company and its product as well as your company’s target audience and what they will tolerate. Just as over exposure can hurt your brand and get you labelled as annoying, not posting enough won’t make an impact with your target audience, virtually making your efforts a useless waste of time.

Since Buffer is in the business of posting to social media for businesses with their tool, they have researched how often posting to each social channel leads to an optimal reach to your target audience. This is a schedule they use as a guideline but posting can also be done outside of these suggested days and times.

  • Twitter – 14 times per day, from midnight to 10:00 p.m. Central Time, never more than once per hour; seven times per day on weekends, from 3:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., roughly every three hours
  • Facebook – 2 times per day, seven days a week, 10:08 a.m. and 3:04 p.m.
  • LinkedIn – 1 time per day, 8:14 a.m., no weekends
  • Google+ – 2 times per day, 9:03 a.m. and 7:04 p.m., no weekends


Of course, these are optimal posting guidelines based on averages and are only suggestions. As explained above, it is important to test out what works for you and your company. Your company might experience different results and have better success with other social channels than what is suggested here. There might always be extenuating circumstances or events in the news or pop culture that warrant extra social media attention. While these are excellent guidelines to follow or a good start, you should always go with what works best for your company and continually test to find out what that is.

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