The Future of Mobile Use

With more and more people becoming so reliant and attached to their mobile devices, it only makes sense that your business should be accessible on those mobile devices. The average person owns 2.9 mobile devices, according to a study done by SOPHOS Labs in 2013. That number is only going to increase, according to predictions from CISCO, by 2017 that number will increase to 5 mobile devices per person. What are you doing with your business to make sure that all of those mobile users can access information about you on their device?

BrandMe - Future of Mobile

Photo Credit: GetSticky

The increase in internet users will only be overshadowed by the increase in mobile users. Not only will more people be using mobile devices, but each person will have more mobile devices as time goes on.

BrandMe - Growth of Mobile

Photo Credit: GetSticky

BrandMe - Devices By Popularity

Photo Credit: SCMagazine

Smartphones are by far the most popular mobile device and will continue to dominate mobile internet usage and connectivity in the future. Other mobile devices include laptops, tablets, MP3 Players, and eReaders.

BrandMe - Devices by Country

Photo Credit: SCMagazine

Australians are right up there among the top owners of mobile devices per person. By the year 2020, half of all transactions will be done through mobile devices. Besides the impressive growth numbers, that statistic should indicate to you the importance of having your business set up for mobile. What does this mean? Here are 3 key steps to take to get your business in front of this growing mobile market:

  1. Even if your company does not sell online, you have to be found online. Start optimizing a website and social channels so that customers looking for you or your product or service can find you when searching on their mobile device.
  2. Your website should be a responsive design, meaning that it responds and adapts to any size screen and can be easily seen and navigated on smaller mobile devices.
  3. You should embrace online reviews so that your current customers can give feedback to other shoppers, which will help increase your mobile presence and word of mouth referrals.

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