How to Get Your Website to the Top of Google Search Results

BrandMe - Google Square SketchIf you have a website, no doubt you are constantly being solicited by companies that are promising to get your website to the “top page of Google” or “#1 in the search engines”.  You would be wise to be wary of those types of companies because those are promises that companies cannot keep. There is no way to guarantee that a site will be number one on Google, however you can follow these guidelines and put the work in to make your site the best it can be. Once your site is implements best practices, Google will recognize what your site is about and your site will rank accordingly.

Follow These 5 Steps to Achieve the Best Results in Google:

  1. Learn as much as you can about best practices. Follow Webmaster Guidelines and implement what you see is best for your website and your company. If you are unsure about how to implement these techniques, at the very least you are educated as to what should be done and can properly oversee the efforts of a search engine optimization company you hire.
  2. Make sure your site is designed for multiple screens. A responsive design for your website means that it will show up on any size screen.
  3. Conduct keyword research. It is important to learn how your customers look for your products or services. They may not use the same terms or keywords that you use. When you start using the keywords that your customers know, more customers will find you. The other area of opportunity here is that you can educate your customers about the proper terminology.
  4. Don’t put all your search eggs in one basket. Do not rely solely on Google search rankings for your website’s visitors. A diverse mix of advertising options is the best way to find a wide variety of customers and to make sure that you are not reliant on any one source of traffic.
  5. Develop excellent content. Your content should be engaging and informative. This will help Google and the other search engines know what your website is about, and better yet, they will register you as an authority on the topic.

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