Networking Etiquette Tips

When you attend business events with the purpose of networking and making new business contacts, there is a set of etiquette rules that you should follow to make the best impression. Here are some great pointers to make the most of your connections:

  • Do your research. If at all possible, try to find out about the people you are meeting.
  • Wear proper attire. Make sure to find out what the dress code is for the event and dress appropriately.
  • Put your name badge near your right shoulder. Since most people shake with their right hand upon meeting, placing your name badge on the right shoulder puts it in a place where it is easily seen and read.
  • Don’t network with your mouth full. Although many networking opportunities might have food options, it’s really best not to eat while trying to meet new people.
  • Keep your electronics stowed away. Do not text, check your email, or answer the phone unless it is an emergency.
  • Have your business cards at the ready. Of course, it is common sense to bring your businesses cards, but so often, they are buried in a purse or a wallet. Make sure to have them ready to hand out.
  • Make sure not be a wallflower and do not spend all of your time with one person. Make the most of your networking by trying to meet as many people in the room as possible.
  • Don’t talk about yourself the whole time; ask questions to get to know people.
  • Follow up with all the connections you meet within 48 hours of the event.
  • Most importantly, do not forget to smile!

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