Keep Up With a Recycled Jotter Pad

Going Forward

It seems that the old ways of advertising aren’t having the impact they used to.  All of us are exposed to hundreds of ads on radio, TV, billboards, and direct mail pieces on a daily basis so we are becoming a bit jaded by them.  But as a business owner or someone in charge of marketing you still need to find a way to make your business stand out from the competition.


This means you need to be on the move making more business connections in order to grow your business name and the services or products you produce.  Naturally it’s always easier to talk about than it is to do, but there are several effective methods for accomplishing this goal.  By far the simplest and most budget friendly way to do this is to give away free stuff!

No Question

To start there is nothing more to do than order some promotional goods and give them away to your customers and target audience, it’s that easy!  The awareness for many won’t even include the fact that you are marketing to them, they just enjoy the merchandise.  They don’t think about the part that your business name is all over it and they will see it constantly.

Pick It

So take a look at all the products available and figure out which ones will speak loudest for your company and try those.  One of the most popular and practical is the simple promotional Recycled Jotter Pad.  This is one of the better sellers!

  • Plenty of customizing space
  • Eco friendly
  • Truly useful, everyone has to take a note
  • Great price point

You will be forever satisfied with the efficient return on your investment when you make promotional products part of your advertising line up.

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