Does Your Trade Show Have a Green Space?

Green spaces are popping up more and more, becoming popular additions to trades shows. What is a Trade Show Green Space? This is a new innovation added to the floor of many trade shows. It is a space where people can go to relax and get away from the hustle, bustle, and stress related to trade shows. Green spaces are electronic, gadget, and noise free tranquil spaces with plants, seating, and calm lighting. You might have a fountain and some relaxing music, like what you might hear at a spa. A green space is an escape where trade show attendees can take a break, relax, and get refreshed without having to actually leave your trade show.


How Can You Make a Green Space Work for Your Trade Show Booth?


Trade shows can be a lot of fun, but they are also a different work environment than most attendees are used to. The extra walking, decision making, and high pressure sales situations can cause a great deal of stress. If there is a green space at your trade show, make attendees aware of it. Give them an incentive to return to your booth after visiting the green space. This will especially benefit shoppers who seem stressed out. Depending on your product or service, you might want to be near the green space. This could be a great location spot if your target audience would be attracted to the green space. If the trade show that you set up a booth at does not have a green space, it could benefit you to rent an extra space and create a green space of your own. Then you would be guaranteed to be near the green space, or at least the pathway to it and you can use it for advertising your booth. A simple sign like “This Green Space Provided by “Your Company Name Here”. This will give your brand extra added exposure and create good will and a positive attitude towards your company or your brand.



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