5 Ways to Switch off Your Digital World

We all need to take breaks between work life and personal life. A recent article from MarketingMag.com.au gives us 5 pointers on how to “switch off”. In the article, Stan Gordon explains that we can enjoy more success separating work life from personal life by following the 5 tips he offers which include taking time to transition from work to recreation. You may have thought of these ideas or this advice before, but it is always good to offer a reminder. Why? Taking time to relax and refresh gives your mind and body a break so that you can return to your job with renewed focus and productivity. Especially in the digital world we live in, unplugging and unwinding are especially important. Great bosses understand that allowing employees to achieve this balance produces better and more productive workers; quality of time spent working over quantity of hours worked. Here are the 5 ways to switch off.

  1. Don’t Take Your Phone to Bed: Hint: This applies to the shower too! This seems obvious, but yet most of us still opt to keep our phones and other digital devices within an arm’s reach at all times. Even the light of your devices can disrupt your sleep, not to mention the beeping, dinging, and clicking noises your phone can make all night. Even turn the sound on your phone off completely so that you can get some rest. If you are concerned about a loved one needing to get in touch with you in an emergency overnight, make other arrangements that don’t include your mobile phone or adjust the settings to allow only certain telephone numbers to ring through while you are sleeping.
  2. Take a Break between Work and Home: This is advice you may not have heard before, but it makes perfect sense. Especially if your work environment is high paced and stressful, taking time to unwind before heading directly home will allow you to transition and let your brain process the day and prepare for personal time with your family and friends at night. Just as you might go into an important work meeting with a clear head, go home with a clear head too. Be ready to focus on family and personal time.
  3. Get a Hobby: Find something that you like to do. Your hobby will help you switch off even more if it is not related to the digital world. If you hobby is gadget or computer related, try to add another “unplugged hobby”. Try cooking, a sport, working out, or look to old school hobbies like knitting, sewing, collecting stamps, something that is simply and does not require a computer, television, or digital gadget.
  4. Always Take Your Lunch Break: Some companies require lunch breaks. Even if your company does not require it, they have to let you take one. Leave your desk, leave the building if possible, and always take a lunch break. It is called a break for a reason, it allows you to reset, relax, and enjoy your lunch.
  5. Get Fresh Air: Fresh air circulates oxygen throughout your body. Delivering energy to your brain and all of your organs. It also gives you a few minutes of gadget free time to clear your mind. Once your body and mind are renewed and refreshed, you can return to work recharged.

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