Lindt Chocolates Make the Best Giveaway

Mix It Up

There are thousands of promotional products out there for your marketing plan but some provide a little more variety and are sweeter than others.  We’re not saying you shouldn’t continue to use the typical promotional pens and mugs because they are really super effective products, but there are some items which will have a different effect on your clients.  In your business you may have the ability and latitude to use some merchandise that is a bit outside of the typical hand out.

Sweeten It Up!

When you walk through your client’s door with some new and yummy promotional merchandise it will be a super nice surprise for your clients and others in your target market.  One of the items with massive chocolatiest goodness is the promotional Lindt Lindor Ball Bucket, a shiny looking stainless bucket filled with quality chocolate. Every customer will be begging for this!

Tempt Them

This chocolate candy offering is an easy, budget friendly promotional giveaway that will work for everyone.

  • Constant visits to make sure the bucket stays full
  • Pick bright colors and great fonts for the label
  • People will visit it constantly
  • Bucket is very durable so will last forever
  • Chocolate is the best

When you have the excuse to come in and refill the bucket then you will have repeat opportunities for increased brand recognition of your business and services or products.  In addition it gives additional opportunities for building additional relationships if you put one on each desk or workstation!

Happy Clients

You will make many friends when you are handing out promotional chocolates, what could be better?  More than likely people will come over to greet you!  This is one of those giveaways scattered amongst the serious items which will cause a bunch of smiles and offers for you to return often!

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