Buzz Words for Business Success by the Numbers

It is no secret that using the right words at the right time can convince others to give you what you want. We found some interesting studies that show which words you should use to achieve specific results in business.


5 Words to Use in Every Business Meeting

New research has found that employees who used the words “yeah,” “give,” “start,” “meeting” and “discuss” ended up with more accepted proposals in meetings. This research was conducted by MIT professor and student and put things into prospective by emphasizing how important this study is considering that 11 million meetings take place daily.


7 Words Successful People Use

When striving for success, here are 7 words that you should regularly incorporate into your professional vocabulary.

  1. Work
  2. Discipline
  3. Implementation
  4. Simplify
  5. Discomfort
  6. Learning
  7. Relationships

For more details and specifics on the specifics about using these 7 words for success, see BusinessNewsDaily.


8 Things Bosses Say that Make Employees Happy

When managers and bosses are in charge of leading a team, the way that they speak to their employees make all the difference in the world. Inspiring team work, efficiency and productivity can be achieved with this words, phrases, and sayings that bosses should regularly incorporate into their conversations:

  1. That was my fault
  2. Thank you
  3. This is why
  4. I know I can always count on your for ____
  5. I believe in you
  6. What do you think?

As you can see many of these phrases that bosses say are empowering and inspiring for employees.


10 Words That Will Get You a Job

For those of you who are searching for employment, here are 10 words that experts say will get you hired and you should use them on your resume and during interviews. Remember that part of making yourself stand out during the hiring process is to brand yourself as a professional with experience.

  1. Persistence
  2. Recognized
  3. Results
  4. Impact
  5. Competency
  6. Direct
  7. Learned
  8. Commitment
  9. Flexible
  10. Solutions

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