Best Indoor Plants for Your Office and Why You Should Get Some Today

If you have noticed an increase in the use of plants in offices lately, it is because business owners are recognising the many positive effects that indoor plants can bring to an office space.  In our article today we will cover the reasons why plants are physical, psychological, and environmental benefits and which are the best plants to use indoors.

  1. The many benefits an office can reap from having plants:
  2. Reduce Stress
  3. Increase Productivity
  4. Reduce Absenteeism
  5. Eliminates Bacteria, Mold, and Sicknesses in the Air
  6. Contributes to Green Building Plans
  7. Lower Operational and Maintenance Costs
  8. Make the Workplace More Attractive for Employees, Helping with Retention
  9. Decreases Office Noise and Reduces Distractions
  10. Increases Oxygenation which Increases Concentration Levels
  11. Promote Better Air Quality
  12. Make the Office Smell Better
  13. Improves the Balance of the Humidity
  14. Beautifies the Environment, Promoting a More Positive Image with Clients and Employees Alike
  15. Provide a Cooling Effect to the Temperatures in the Office


Here are some of the best plants that thrive indoors and have a very limited amount of maintenance:

  • Peace Lily
  • Jade Plant
  • African Violets
  • Philodendron
  • Zebra Plant
  • Lucky Bamboo
  • Cast Iron Plants
  • Spider Plant
  • English Ivy
  • FicusBenjamina


Once you have decided that plants are a good thing to have in the office and you have decided on your favourite indoor plants, the next step is how to plant and water  indoor plants and how to use indoor lighting  to best help the plants thrive.

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