Common Resume Mistakes that Might Cost You the Job

When you are building a resume for a new job, there are certain guidelines that you should always follow. Sometimes mistakes slip into the document. Even if you have all of the skills and qualifications, some pet peeve mistakes can turn off a potential employer. You have to put yourself in their shoes and think about how they must skim through many resumes looking for one that stands out. Here are 5 mistakes and how to avoid them:

  1. Typos: Mistakes, misspellings, and poor grammar can get your resume tossed out faster than any other reason. Have someone else proof read your resume for you. They can catch typos much easier than you can yourself because you know what you think you wrote.
  2. Don’t Use the 1st Person: When you are talking about yourself on your resume it should be in the 3rd person. When proofreading your resume, look for and remove any instances of I or we.
  3. Use Bulleted Lists: Consider that your resume might be one of many that an employer is scanning through. They don’t want to read a novel and they want to be able to quickly see and understand your skills and talent. Large blocks of texts can appear like too much to look at. Short lists are easy to read and easy to understand.
  4. Wrong Formatting: The format is important because it helps someone who is going over hundreds of resumes easily scan through them. If you need help, look up information online or hire a professional to help you with your resume. It will be worth it in the end when you find your dream job.
  5. Highlight Your Most Current Role: Your current job that you are leaving or the job that you just left often doesn’t get enough attention on your resume. It should be the highlight of your resume and not just thrown in as an afterthought. Often times, you might just update your resume and quickly add in your current or last job.

Double checking over your resume and fixing these 5 areas will help you achieve your goal and get hired. You job is important, so take the time necessary to work on your resume since it will open doors for you and get you where you want to be.

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