Monthly Archives: December 2012

  • Looking for Ideas? Learn from Marketing Blunders

    On days when the job of a marketer is frustrating, take heart–somebody, often a major New York, top drawer marketing firm–is doing a far worse job than you. Here are some recent marketing blunders that can only leave heads shaking, but yes they happen. No One Wants to Play with BofA It’s not bad enough the banking industry is reeling financially and image wise from the market crash of 2008. Someone who didn’t consult marketing first came up with the idea of charging consumers $5 a month to play with their own money. Consumers rarely agree on anything, but this was one instance where Bank of America managed to unite the whole country against them. And the poor marketing department had to defend the fee, …

  • The Social Side of Trade Shows

    Let’s say it’s the end of the first day of the trade show, and The Booth Gang has put in an eight to ten hour day, coming off jet lag from the night before. It’s about six and the hall is clearing out. What to do now? Most likely, The Gang will head over to the bar and unwind with a few drinks, and then someone will suggest dinner, and you’re all off in a cab to someplace, and that’s OK. Dinner can be a debrief of the day, and a good day in the booth might be worthy of a celebration and a genuine bonding experience among the staff. But it might not be the optimal use of The Gang’s time. After all, you’re …

  • Check Your Figures with a Promotional Calculator

    What to Do There are many different and varied angles to consider when your marketing group is looking for promotional opportunities.  A tried and true method is to give away promotional products.  Generally there are many different items which are proven to help boost brand name recognition, but there are some that are more popular than others. Get Their Attention For those who are working at desks it’s a good idea to try to get something on that desk which will be seen many times during the day.  Something that has good function so they are reaching for it to put to use over and over.  This “something” would be a promotional calculator. Constant presence in front of the customer Many different designs available including …