How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

BrandMe - Linked InLinkedIn is the social network for business professionals and an excellent way to make connections with other business professionals. LinkedIn is great to have optimized because it can help you whether you are looking for a new career change or if you are looking to make connections to benefit your current position. However, it is important that your LinkedIn profile is optimized properly so that it can assist you in connecting with all of the top professionals in your industry and related industries with individuals whom meeting would be mutually beneficial.

Here are 10 pointers on optimizing your profile to meet the right connections.

  1. Make sure all aspects of your profile are fully filled out. LinkedIn will let you know what percentage of your profile is completed. This includes your professional picture; preferably a head shot that makes you easily identifiable. Also included in a full profile is a summary about you, your current and past job descriptions, and your education history.
  2. Join groups related to your field and your professional interests. LinkedIn is filled with common interest groups. Join some groups that appeal to you both professionally and personally.
  3. Engage with your connections and groups by posting status updates with links to professional articles both on your profile and in relevant groups. When you post in groups it reaches even more people and also has the potential to make it into members’ inboxes. It is perfectly fine to email your connections with sales pitches and information about what you do to see if there is a way to connect with them for a mutual benefit. Remember that the mutual benefit idea is the key here; make sure that there is something in it for those you are emailing as well.
  4. Keep things professional. This is not Facebook or Twitter; keep up your professional behaviour as you would if you were in the office or at a business meeting.
  5. Constantly make changes to your profile. When you update your profile, job skills, and employers, you have a chance of being in the LinkedIn email to your connections. Changing your profile is a great way to stay on top of everything new going on in your career as well and making sure that your LinkedIn profile accurately reflects your skills and your job.
  6. Keep in contact with your connections. This helps you to not only learn about your connections, but also keeping yourself top of mind. That way, if you need their help or want to sell them something, you do not have that awkward bit about “I have not spoken to you in years, but.  . . “.
  7. Recommendations vs. Endorsements. Giving and getting reviews or recommendations has always been a very important part of LinkedIn. You should review co-workers and others that you come into contact with on a professional basis regularly. In many cases, those that you leave reviews for will also leave reviews for you, increasing your worth and positively influencing your online reputation. Endorsements are quick clicks about the skills that you have. There has been a mass trend in endorsing people for the skills listed just because they are there. Don’t do that! Only endorse people for skills you are familiar with them having.
  8. Set up a LinkedIn business page for your company. LinkedIn allows you to set up pages for your companies that have company information and details. You can then ask business acquaintances to follow the page and share it to get more exposure.
  9. Set up your own special interest or business related group. Running a group on LinkedIn is a great way to meet more connections and make potential sales or gain clients. Groups can be common interest or common location. You can even hold events in the real world for networking or educational presentations.
  10. LinkedIn advertising. You can use LinkedIn advertising to promote your business or your group. This is a great way to target other professionals on LinkedIn to introduce them to your company or your common interests.

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