Tag Archives: Business Advice

  • Body Language Tips for Success

    Whether you are interviewing for a job position or engaging in regular business communications, it is always important to keep your body language in mind. The actions and positions you take can influence the impression you are giving to others you meet. Some body language positions may inadvertently be sending the wrong message. Body Language to Avoid: There are several body language signs that you may already know or have heard about that can send negative signals to others. Postures such as crossing your arms, slouching, or standing with your hands on your hips can all have negative consequences. However did you know to avoid these behaviours too? Don’t cross your ankles while standing. It can make you seem shy or even insignificant, explains executive …

  • Reputation Management: Preventative Medicine for Your Business

    Many businesses don’t think of their online reputation until a problem arises. The key to solving a reputation management issue is by thinking about your online reputation before a problem arises. When it comes to reputation management issues, thankfully not all businesses will have a major media crisis to deal with. However, being prepared with a solid reputation management plan also means that a few negative online consumer reviews won’t end up hurting your brand. Here is a step by step plan to follow when setting up your own profiles and take charge of the online reputation for your business: Set up and fill out all of your own profiles. Setting up online profiles for your company is an easy task. You already know all …

  • Predictions for Business and Marketing in 2014

    Photo Credit: SmallBizTrends We have compiled some predictions for 2014 from different respected sites about online business. Business trends were compiled from PRWeb, SmallBizTrends.com, and American Express. Business & Marketing Trends to Watch for 2014 Niche Social Media Sites: You can reach customers by separating yourself from the sea of other businesses competing for attention on larger sites like Facebook and Twitter. Instead, try to connect with customers on Snapchat and Vine. Visual Social Media Sites: Along the same lines of the niche social sites trend is the visual social media sites. They will continue to grow in popularity, so if you are not on at least some of the following sites, you should start: Snapchat, Vine, Pinterest, Instagram, and Pinterest. Location-Based Targeting: Think small …

  • Collecting Feedback from Employees & Incorporating Their Ideas into the Business

    How do you collect feedback and ideas from your employees? Chances are it is an annual survey or a suggestion box. There are more creative ways to get feedback and input from your staff members so that you can really make them feel like you care about what they have to say and how they feel about the company and their jobs. Here are 6 ideas for creative and different ways to collect employee feedback: Employee Focus Groups: Most companies practice using focus groups to get information from their customers. Applying this technique to getting information from employees is a great way to get feedback as well as new ideas. Apply the trend for openness and transparency to employee feedback as well. Having things out …

  • Making a Business Plan to Get Through the Toughest of Times

    Let’s face it; the world’s economy has not been in the best state. That makes running a successful business even more challenging than it already is. We have come up with a simple checklist that you can apply to your business plan and revisit often to make sure that you are poised to make it through the financial storms. Create a Road Map: Not just a plan, but a very specific road map. Formulate a plan with visuals and specifics with “if – then” scenarios too. Do not Run Your Business in Fear: Have your plan and a road map help with this, so does surrounding yourself with the right people. Choose smart business partners and employees that are invested in your company mission. Manage …

  • Buzz Words for Business Success by the Numbers

    It is no secret that using the right words at the right time can convince others to give you what you want. We found some interesting studies that show which words you should use to achieve specific results in business.   5 Words to Use in Every Business Meeting New research has found that employees who used the words “yeah,” “give,” “start,” “meeting” and “discuss” ended up with more accepted proposals in meetings. This research was conducted by MIT professor and student and put things into prospective by emphasizing how important this study is considering that 11 million meetings take place daily.   7 Words Successful People Use When striving for success, here are 7 words that you should regularly incorporate into your professional vocabulary. …

  • Show Your Appreciation

    Everywhere you go, people feel unappreciated. Another day, another dollar at the job. I spend thousands of dollars with these people, and what have they done for me? “Nobody even knows I’m here.” You may have heard these sentiments. You maybe have even thought these sentiments. From a marketing perspective, it’s not good to have so much under appreciation out there. Just for fun, and in light of Bing’s “Bing It On” search engine challenge, I binged and googled “people feel under appreciated.” The result? Google yielded 3.7 million hits, and Bing 2.18 million hits. That’s a lot of under appreciation. Many of the responses are articles that are supposed to help the person feeling under appreciated (as if there’s something wrong with them) and …