Employees’ Mobile Device Usage Favoured by Business Management

No too long ago a survey about employees’ usage of mobile devices would have likely had quite the opposite headline. However, in today’s modern mobile and digital world it is refreshing to see small to mid-size business “bosses”  are recognizing the importance of mobile devices and that employees can use them for productivity and to better their performance and organisation skills in addition to other benefits.

This recent survey from Sage North America shows us that 4/5 of the leaders of small to mid-size businesses say that mobile device usage has a positive effect on productivity,

The mobile applications most commonly used by SMBs are for keeping business contacts organized (31%), scheduling (26%), and tracking/assigning tasks (23%), according to surveyed SMBs.

Only 2% of respondents say remote technology has a negative impact on productivity, the survey found.

In addition to those statistics, the survey pointed out that different devices are used for productivity and it does not matter if the business provides the mobile technology or if employees are purchasing them for personal use on their own.

For more details on this survey also see Marketing Profs

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