Tag Archives: trade show ideas

  • Trade Show Marketing for the 5 Senses:

    For most trade show exhibitors, the trade show gives you the chance to interact with your customers, so make sure that your marketing tactics appeal to all of the 5 senses. Sight: Of course, sight might be the most obvious of the senses to appeal to at a trade show. Make sure that your trade show booth is visually appealing and informative. Smell: Scent is a great way to communicate and influence emotion as well. Here are some details on scents and their emotional effects from the Scent Marketing Institute. SCENTS AND THEIR ASSOCIATED EFFECTS Safety, security and nostalgia: Talcum powder Increased alertness: Peppermint, citrus Relaxation: Lavender, vanilla, chamomile Perceiving a room as smaller: Barbecue smoke Perceiving a room as bigger: Apple, cucumber Be more open to buying expensive furniture: Leather, …

  • Trade Show Hosts Make a Welcoming Booth

    For businesses that participate in trade shows, selling their products and services there are an important part for the success of the business. Although exhibiting at a trade show is already quite expensive, one extra expense that you might not have thought of could be worth its weight in gold. Hiring a host or hostess for your trade show booth can make for a very inviting and welcoming experience for guests and shoppers. Depending on the type of business you have and the traffic that comes through your booth at a trade show, a host can: Help navigate the traffic Welcome people to your booth Organise any lines that form Make sure that each shopper sees the salespeople in the order that they arrived Manning …

  • Five Reasons Why the Solo Trade Show Is a Bad Idea

    There is a certain kind of person who we might call “self sufficient.” You may know someone like this. You may even be such a person. These are often the people most likely to become entrepreneurs. They look at big company structures and wonder how anything ever gets done. When they come to a business fork in the road, they ask themselves, “How much time and effort would it take me to learn how do this?” instead of seeking outside assistance. With technology, being self-sufficient is getting easier all the time. You may have even figured out how to be fully self sufficient in business. But, whether you’re a sole proprietor or the marketing arm of a company, the one man or one woman trade …

  • The Social Side of Trade Shows

    Let’s say it’s the end of the first day of the trade show, and The Booth Gang has put in an eight to ten hour day, coming off jet lag from the night before. It’s about six and the hall is clearing out. What to do now? Most likely, The Gang will head over to the bar and unwind with a few drinks, and then someone will suggest dinner, and you’re all off in a cab to someplace, and that’s OK. Dinner can be a debrief of the day, and a good day in the booth might be worthy of a celebration and a genuine bonding experience among the staff. But it might not be the optimal use of The Gang’s time. After all, you’re …