Tag Archives: Marketing Tips

  • Early Holiday Spending Indicators Show Online Shopping Trends

    Many websites are reporting U.S. holiday spending for the four day weekend following Thanksgiving, which includes shopping statistics for their Black Friday (the day following the Thanksgiving holiday where stores offer special discounts for one day only) and then Cyber Monday, which is the following Monday where many online retailers offer large deals for just that day.  The four day weekend this year saw sales rise 14.5% over the same weekend last year. ComScore estimates that online holiday sales for the entire season will account for over 10% of all holiday sales. Smartphones and tablets were widely search with 25% of all online traffic looking for smartphones and 15.2% searched for tablets.  However, online sales were dominated by tablets, with 15.7% of the market share …

  • Friendly Email Pointers

    When sending emails from a customer service perspective, it is very important to make sure that your emails are not misconstrued. It is hard to decipher tone and intent through emails and being short in an email can be interpreted incorrectly and being abrupt. Following these pointers can help ensure that you emails do not come off making you look rude: Include a greeting. In addition to addressing the email recipient by name, add a greeting. Identify your name and your company name. This can be done in the greeting or it can be an additional component. Thank the customer or client. Thank them for their email, if they emailed you first or thank them for being a loyal customer. If you are addressing a …

  • Causes Effect Purchasing with Aussie Consumers

    Studies show that companies who adopt a cause to promote or give proceeds to a charity connect with consumers. In fact, consumers will change their buying behaviour and switch to companies that support causes they are aligned with. In fact, 46% of respondents would buy a new brand  if it supported a cause that they cared about. It is important to note that Australians are a charitable lot with a history of supporting social causes 61% of survey respondents acknowledged they made a donation to a cause or purchased goods or services affiliated with a social good campaign over the last 12 months. The three most recognised brands for effectiveness in customer retention using cause marketing campaigns were Nivea 31.56% Commonwealth Bank 25.69% Virgin Australia …

  • How Taking Email More Seriously Can Propel Your Career

    Email is an everyday task for most working adults. For most of those people that use email as a form of communication daily, it is also a chore and often a nuisance. Because of the “everyday status” many have gotten away from treating email as a formal form of communication. Today we will cover tips to ensure that your emails make an impression instead of just getting a point across. Treat Your Email Like a Formal Communication:  We know it is easy to take email for granted. We tend to rush through with quick responses instead of taking email communications more seriously; when composing emails do not use abbreviations or Internet slang.  Think of it more along the lines of how you would write something …

  • 10 Unique Business Card Designs

    Make your business cards the centre of discussion. Even if these pretty unusual business card designs don’t apply to your business specifically, they might inspire you to create something new and exciting. Unique cards can help your company be remembered and help with branding. Some of our promotional products can even be used in place of business cards. Here are 10 ideas to help you think out of the box: Business Cards that Contain Something you sell or that represents your brand: These are better than completely edible ones, which will be gone soon!     This blooming card is a great way to “stick out” above the rest. Perfect for florists or gardeners, but really can be tied into a number of different themes. …

  • Customer Retention Costs Less than New Customer Acquisition

    In our super-sized world of big business, customer relationships have fallen by the wayside.  In the past, the small business owner had a “corner store” and knew all of his customers by name and had their preferences committed to memory. In today’s market, a small business might have thousands of customers and the owner may hardly know a single one. The connection between the proprietor and customer is often a missing component for businesses even though common sense tells us that a customer that feels special or important has a much greater propensity to stay with a company. Instead of concentrating on knowing the customers they already have, businesses have taken to spending money on acquiring new customers, in the “bigger is better” mentality. Studies …

  • Top 5 Tips On Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

    As the New Year gets under way, the majority of us are already planning our list of promises we wish to fulfill during the next 12 months, I know I am! However, unfortunately many studies have proven that very few of us carry out those good intentioned resolutions. The onset of a new year often offers hope for us all to put the past behind us and make a fresh start with new goals and ambitions for the coming 365 days. Sadly, the majority of us generally end up missing the mark, starting off with great intentions and then somewhere along the line getting lost. Below are some great tips to help you to have a better chance of achieving those cherished goals. 1. Write …

  • The 12 Month Marketing Plan

    Millions of marketers are going to make billions of resolutions and plans and by the end of January, most of those resolutions and plans will be shelved because of deadlines, backsliding, and doing what’s most expedient. Nevertheless, there is value in these exercises, and the best way to keep the change you’re looking to make on the front burner is to have it close by for reference. Most of us get some sort of gift calendar every year. Take one of them and turn it into a 12-month marketing plan for your business or yourself. Let’s assume that you and yours are not going out of business, or are not going to be bought out by Richard Branson, but are looking to increase performance. Take …

  • Marketing Examples for the Taking

    Marketing can be a lonely enterprise. Sure, at first it’s fun to know you have a hand, or maybe an entire arm, in fashioning a message for your product or client, but soon enough the marketer is confronted with the “down in the weeds” decisions over medium (print, TV, Web?), message, cost, and reach (who do we want to see this?). One advantage marketers have is that good and poor examples of marketing abound. You’re throwing them away with the junk mail. You’re flipping around them on TV. You’re buzzing by them on the radio. You’re failing to take notice of them on the Internet. Why? Do they lack impact? Are they merely annoying (see: Geico lizard) or are they downright insulting (beer ads)? What …

  • Marketing With a KISS

    If you’re a marketer, most likely you’re using a Website to promote and market your products. You want to have all the latest bells and whistles on your site, but you don’t want to drive people away, because let‘s face it, when it comes to the Web you already forgotten more than some people will ever know. All Websites are different, some serve different purposes than others, and the subject matter may dictate how much–or how little–”style” a Website needs. All that aside, KISS. Which stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid. Of course, we’re not referring to anyone reading this as stupid, it’s just a colloquialism, if you will. It’s understandable that one would want as much “stuff” on the Website page as possible. After …