Management Traits to Avoid

There are certain personality traits and behaviours that some managers adopt that will definitely be a turn off for employees. So much so, that they will likely quit. If your management team is seeing a lot of resignations and team members quitting, it might be time to evaluate the management style and personality traits of management to ensure that you do not see the following personality traits:

  1. Micro Management. Micro managing is one of the top concerns or pet peeves of employees. Micro management makes employees feel like they are not trusted to do their job. It makes the top of this list because it is something that no one is fond of.
  2. Do Not Create Office Politics. There is a reason why politics are so taboo in social circles. The office isn’t any place for politics either. It is a sure fire way to kill morale and cause debates, arguments, and drama.
  3. Do Not Be MeTran to Customers. Well, this seems like a no-brainer and yet it still makes our list. Customer service has to track right through to management and straight down through every position in a company. If everyone in your company does not put the customers first then you can probably count on not having those customers for very long.
  4. Keep Your Dirty Laundry at Home. This is often a common rule at offices and places of business; however, if the manager does not obey this rule, it can make for quite the uncomfortable environment to work in.
  5. Don’t Gripe About Your Employees Working Hard if You Are Not Yourself. Not setting a good example as a hard working individual when expecting others below you to is a sure fire way to cause dissention among the ranks.


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