Monthly Archives: October 2013

  • Preparing Your Business for the Holidays

    Your business should be in the final countdown plans for the holiday season. Since most businesses can capitalize on the lift in spending, what can you do to end the year strong? Planning ahead is so important, so if you have not started a holiday marketing plan yet, then now is the time to get started.  Here’s how: Make Your Lists. Santa isn’t the only one with holiday lists! If you did not make a list at the end of your last holiday season, then do that first and put on the list to definitely end the holiday season with it this year. List what worked and what didn’t work. Brainstorm ideas and be as specific as possible. 2.       Set your goals. Hiring extra staff. …

  • Maximize Your Brand with Travel Mugs

    Expand! As you are developing your marketing plan one of the easiest methods to use is giving away promotional products.  And in your research into these products there will be many which will work for your business.  We can help you narrow down those choices because we have a ton of experience in this industry. We Can Help We know that one of the most popular beverages on the planet is coffee and that means people want to take it with them wherever they go. So this leads us to recommend most businesses to have some promotional Travel Mugs in their mix of products. You will be pleasantly surprised at the positive reaction you will get when you hand these out to your clients and …

  • Using Social Media to Promote Your Booth at the Trade Show

    One of the main ingredients to a successful trade show is incorporating the right advertising components to promote your company and draw visitors to your booth. Social media marketing added into that mix will really help you shine during the trade shows. Here is a checklist for social media best practices at a trade show:

  • Lindt Chocolates Make the Best Giveaway

    Mix It Up There are thousands of promotional products out there for your marketing plan but some provide a little more variety and are sweeter than others.  We’re not saying you shouldn’t continue to use the typical promotional pens and mugs because they are really super effective products, but there are some items which will have a different effect on your clients.  In your business you may have the ability and latitude to use some merchandise that is a bit outside of the typical hand out. Sweeten It Up! When you walk through your client’s door with some new and yummy promotional merchandise it will be a super nice surprise for your clients and others in your target market.  One of the items with massive …

  • Stay Up To Date with USB Flash Drives

    Keep It All Open When you are in charge of expanding the company you have to constantly review what you are doing in your marketing plan.  One of the simplest methods for moving brand recognition forward for your business is continual use of various promotional products.  We know this because it is what we do every day!  We receive lots of new products every day for review but we also have thousands of proven promotional items from which to choose, so let us help you expand. Find the Best Direction A number of businesses are discovering that the traditional methods of advertising for there are either not effective or the cost is so high it is becoming prohibitive to use on a regular basis.  This …