Top Business People to Follow on Google Plus

One of the challenges that businesses face when trying to keep up with the latest business news on social media is filtering through all of the other noise and distractions that come along with social media. Google Plus is an excellent source for finding news and information that is trending in social media without too many distractions of funny photos and baby pictures that you might get caught up in on Facebook or Twitter.

The website recently posted 40 different Google Plus accounts you should follow for your business. They are in two different articles part one  and part two  on their site and the list conveniently breaks the list down into different types of business pages on Google Plus: business people, pages about Google Plus, and Google Plus business page examples. Looking at those pages can not only give you valuable information, but can also be a good study for how to develop your own Google Plus business page.

ZDNet recently compiled a list of brands that are doing well on Google Plus with the most followers. Of course, this can change, but for reference to also see how to work your brand on a Google Plus page, check out the ZDNet top 10 list:

10. Burberry

9. Mercedes

8. Toyota

7. PlayStation

6. BMW

5. H&M

4. Ferrari

3. Cadbury UK

2. Android

1. Angry Birds

Please feel free to check out and give a Plus One shout out to us on our Brandme Google Plus  page too!

To keep up with Google in Australia, you can check out the Google Australia Google Plus page.

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